Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

The Beginning

I just want to start this with one of the most important thing in my life. Its my Girlfriend..... i know its nothing uncommon for people to prioritize their partner, but that was before i made those mistake, I screw up...

it started in 2008, i met her through social media, date her, fall in love, and yes i ask her to be my girlfriend.

At the beginning it was a very very good feeling. just like usuall people fall in love for the first time. then it come second year, third year,,,, and forth year.
i began to lose my patience, i always think that she was so egoistic and doesnt know when to shut up. it seems like everything that i did was wrong and i never be good for her. therefore i decided to leave her.

then i met this other girl in just a few weeks, i date her and ask her to be my girlfriend in just a week, compared to my previous one which took me six months before saying that i love her. i couldnt understand why i like this new one, maybe because we have something in common and she came just in time when i need someone to be with. i look at this new one very different with my first girlfriend, she is patient and has similiar way of thinking with me.

Not long after that my first girlfriend starts to look for me, she say she was sorry and doesnt want to break up with me. of course i ignore her and try to get into my new life. However, it wasnt that simple, in just a month i couldnt stand it, its just like i am not belong to with this new girlfriend, i broke up with her in just less than a month. and going back to my 1st girlfriend again.

Ok up until now i knew i was a jerk and should be punished. but believe me i do feel that way, i felt like every step that i make was wrong. i end up telling the truth to my 1st girlfriend that i immediately find another one and broke up in less than a month and started looking for her again and date her.

of course her reaction is predictable, she was very sad and disappointed. But i knew that I really Love Her so much, thats why i am going back with her again. then i ended up expalaining all the things that happen and how i felt. the reason is because she is the only one for me, all this time i keep going on seeing the bad things and forget about how great she was.

Its easy for me to list all of her bad things: tempramental, never say sorry, bossy, egoistic, and so on.

I forget how caring she was, how she really loves me (many guys go after her but she really just ignore all of them, never show any interest at all), how she direct me when i am wrong, how easily she makes me smile when i am sad, how she is just so into me, we built our own chemistry to each other. although we are different kind of person but we compliment each other. i could cover her weakness while she could cover my weakness, together we could become perfect.

Now I am going back with her and in my fifth year, I never regain the trust that she gave me before, she used to think that i was royal and faithful to her and now is the opposite. but i never complain about it, i realize it was a mistake and i am willing to do whatever it takes to prove that i really love her.

and for the other girl, i explain to her what happen and thankfully she could accept it even though she was also disappointed. yeah at the end i disappoint two girl in my life in a space of 2 months. the hugest regret in my life.

The Importance of my story is:
1. Always try to look on the bright side, Don't forget that everything happen for a reason
2. Never broke up with your partners how unhappy are you. try to know her before you love her.
3. Once something is broke, there is no way you could repair it to the way it was.

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